The Triassic is one of the most important periods in the evolution of life on Earth. After one of the greatest mass ...
During the early Triassic the world was still dominated by mammal-like reptiles, but there was an increasingly important archosaurian component,' says Mike. 'By the end of the Middle Triassic, the ...
Witton ( The end-Permian mass extinction, 252 million years ago, was the largest, wiping out up to 90% of species.
Learn about the time period that took place 251 to 199 million years ago. 3 min read The start of the Triassic period (and the Mesozoic era) was a desolate time in Earth's history. Something—a ...
At this moment, the intense volcanic activity changed the world. The dinosaurs and early pterosaurs that thrived during the Triassic likely retained the warm-running metabolisms and fuzzy coats of ...
Aetosaurs were particularly abundant and diverse during the Late Triassic, with various species found across various parts of the world, including North and South America, Europe, Africa ...
The Triassic climate was relatively hot and dry ... This meant that dinosaurs evolved independently in different parts of the world, becoming more diverse. Sauropods reached their largest sizes in the ...
"While fossilized spores and pollen of plants from the Early Triassic do not provide strong evidence for a sudden and catastrophic biodiversity loss, both marine and terrestrial animals ...
A research team from the State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart presents a comprehensive overview of Triassic terrestrial tetrapods and their environments in the Central European Basin.