When blackouts strike the state again because the grid cannot produce enough electricity, Texans will have a handful of politicians to blame for pushing new laws that benefit their cronies. The Texas ...
State Rep. Brent Money (R-Greenville) has filed a bill that would effectively cancel out federal benefits to solar and wind ...
It's the latest proposal in the Texas legislature to regulate solar companies. The bills aim to curb abuses exposed in a San ...
Liam Denning is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist covering energy. A former banker, he edited the Wall Street Journal’s Heard on the Street column and wrote the Financial Times’s Lex column.
After decades of growth in solar and wind put Texas among the nation’s top producers of renewable energy, the state’s leaders ...
The $2 billion proposal is a priority bill in the Texas House. The fund would support grant and incentive programs to build a ...
Residential customers could see a $2.88 per month increase to their average bill if the rates are approved by state ...
The same is true in Waco and Hillsboro, where a planned data center is calling for 828 megawatts of power per year. That ...
Texas lawmakers introduced a sweeping new proposal Friday to establish a $2 billion fund aimed at accelerating the deployment ...
The Texas Senate on Wednesday unanimously approved a bill that would create a task force to combat the escalating issue of petroleum theft in the state.
Mark Stover, executive director of the Texas Solar + Storage Association, testified to the committee that the bill would have a “destabilizing effect” on the energy market. “While the bill ...