A part-time farmer here has sage advice for people stuck in sticky situations where panic must be avoided: Think like a ninja ...
Riley Kehoe and her family’s survival of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was nothing short of a miracle. “When I was 10 years ...
A year after a natural disaster, the resilient artisans of Japan’s Noto Peninsula are forging ahead—with great help from the ...
An increase in attacks on media outlets in Haiti by armed gangs which control most of the capital Port-au-Prince is intended ...
The Earthquakes endured a torrid 2024 season ... t start to really get in action until August every year. "We've got to survive the early going and be a team that's more competitive than we ...
Video by José Eli Villanueva : prepare for a disaster with an emergency supplies kit, or “go bag.” When disaster strikes, often there are only a few minutes warning to evacuate. So, don’t wait until ...
Chiaki Matsuyama is a first-class licensed architect and also a top-notch prepper, whose home is furnished with the necessities to survive earthquakes and other natural disasters. Matsuyama ...
He has been having these thoughts for a long time and when the day of his exit from the NCP(SP) arrives, there will be an earthquake in ... stay in the NCP(SP) and survive in politics for the ...