Laurie Ramie, executive director of the Upper Delaware Council (UDC) used the word "startling" in reference to the green road ...
Bellaire City Council approved an ordinance removing the intersection of Bellaire Boulevard and Newcastle Drive on the “no ...
Researchers at the University of California, Irvine say they’ve demonstrated that multicolored stickers applied to stop or ...
Mahoning Township Supervisors on a 3-0 vote Wednesday agreed to have township solicitor Tom Nanovic draft an ordinance to lower the speed limit on Fritz Road. The speed limit would be lowered from 35 ...
I cannot begin to tell you what that is like, with the truck drivers using those brake retarders: I use the word to some ...
The 32nd Ward is funding pedestrian bumpouts at four intersections along the corridor. But the city said a fifth intersection "did not meet the criteria" for a new traffic signal despite a petition ...
Residents have hit out at plans for a new HGV corridor through the west of the county following proposals to divert heavy vehicles.
🇮🇳 Disappearing heritage: The streets of Sidhpur, in western India’s Gujarat state, are filled with stately mansions, known as “havelis,” in a fading palette of pastel shades. They’re a throwback to ...
Can AI solve network congestion? Dept of telecom's TEC study explores AI’s potential in management of resources in telecom.
Drivewyze by Fleetworthy adds five states to its Smart Roadways program, including the Tennessee Department of Transportation ...
Among the plan's primary recommendations: speed-detection cameras in school zones, more red-light cameras and neighborhood ...
Broadway is almost back, and pop music tours and sports events are booming. But Hollywood, museums and other cultural sectors ...