This requires the ability to accurately track cells, observing their function, movement and interactions in vitro and in vivo. GFP ioMicroglia is built from the company’s well-established ioMicroglia.
New research from the Marine Biological Laboratory and ADA Forsyth presents an extraordinary though common bacterium living in the human mouth that splits into multiple cells at once, a rare ...
Discover which stocks are splitting, the ratio, and split ex-date with the latest information from EDGAR® Online LLC. Data provided by and © 2024 EDGAR® Online LLC ...
Jung J, Sung JS, Kwon S, Bae HE, Kang M-J, Jose J, Lee M, Pyun J-C (2025) Transmembrane protease serine 2 (TMPRSS2) inhibitors screened from an Fv-antibody library for preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection.
CT2A, CT2A-EGFRvIII, and HEK293 cells were graciously donated by Dr. John Sampson’s lab. CT2A and CT2A-EGFRvIII were modified to express GFP and/or luciferase by transducing lentivirus made by the ...
Finally, all biotin-labeled proteins are eluted, identified, and analyzed by LC-MS. (B) Western blot analysis of HEK293-CCR7-APEX2 cell lysates, which shows that the biotinylation only takes place in ...
(E) The expression patterns of specific subtypes of LTM-PAM neurons labeled by split-GAL4 lines: MB299B and MB043B (α1 ... and representative neural activities reflected by CRTC::GFP in cell bodies of ...
Monocytes and macrophages are innate immune cells with diverse functions ranging from phagocytosis of microorganisms to forming a bridge with the adaptive immune system. A lesser-known attribute of ...
Biophysical Chemistry and Diagnostics, Faculty of Chemistry, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld 33615, Germany Biophysical Chemistry and Diagnostics, Medical School OWL, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld ...