The Tazewell County Board approved a special use permit for Unsicker Solar to build a 12-megawatt solar farm on a 50-acre ...
Solar farms are seen as a way to increase energy capacity from non-polluting source. But their expansion into rural areas sparked a dispute in the state Senate.
Trump's funding freeze has left farmers and rural businesses across the country on the hook for costly energy efficiency ...
Grant awardees will be offered the chance to “voluntarily revise” their projects to align them with Trump Administration ...
The Trump administration’s freeze on climate funding has left some farmers and small business owners footing the bill for ...
Thousands of farmers and small rural businesses remain in limbo as the USDA demands grant rewrites favoring fossil fuels over renewables.
To track these changes, researchers created Global Renewables Watch, which maps all onshore wind and every large-scale solar farm in the world ... large and small. Choosing the right location ...
These sites ranged from intensively managed solar farms, in which the grass surrounding panels is cut or grazed short throughout the year, with no hedgerows or small trees, to mixed-habitat solar ...
CHICAGO, March 3 (Reuters) - For the first time in four generations, the Raines family didn't plant a single cotton seed last year. Chad Raines parked his tractor and rented out most of his Texas ...