Pacific Beach residents heard from City of San Diego finance experts details of the city’s projected $258 million budget ...
Federal housing authorities announced that a COVID-era emergency housing voucher is running out of funds – and there’s no ...
With just a week to go before tariffs are reinstated, City Councilmember Raul Campillo and local business leaders are calling ...
In fact, the upper bound of what qualifies as middle class now exceeds $100,000 in every U.S. state, according to a ...
The cost of living has been on the rise in San Diego, burning holes into the pockets of those who choose to live in America’s Finest City.
A 34-room Little Italy motel the city converted into a shelter for homeless seniors is sitting vacant while the city spends ...
Clearly Mayor Gloria and the City Council did not understand the message from voters when we rejected increasing the sales ...
The city has settled a lawsuit alleging the housing policy was used to concentrate poverty in certain neighborhoods.
You’ll need to make more than six figures a year to live comfortably in the Golden State, GoBankingRates said.
A new San Diego law requires grocery stores to extend digital discounts to all customers — even those who lack smartphones or ...
・San Jose: The 2019 annual total cost of living was $124,628, which is projected to rise to $138,599 in 2025, a 11.2% ...