The Brooks Avenue underpass near Rochester Airport will close for three weeks in late April for road construction. It will ...
The city has confirmed that the Main Street detour will return around late April and turn the street into a one-way road ...
The NYS Department of Transportation tells CBS6 traffic lights and other safety improvements are being considered for the Troy-Schenect ...
The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) will begin construction on an interim traffic signal at the intersection of State ...
State 42 will be closed and detoured to through traffic April 1-May 23 for bridge deck overlay and culvert replacements.
The Town of Summerville will initiate a road closure with a detour near N. Maple Street and W. 5th N. Street to Wassamassaw Road this week. This closure is nece ...
The Fort Smith Police Department said the intersection of Rogers Avenue and South 66th Street is the city's second-highest ...
St. Louis County crews have completed repairs on traffic signals and are working on fixing damaged signs after storms hit the ...
The original signs were difficult to repair. City staff are proposing a new design that will be easier to make and maintain.