The coffee in the break room at work could contain high levels of substances that elevate levels of 'bad' cholesterol in your ...
Joined by actors and authors like Richard E Grant and Dame Jilly Cooper, the Queen launched the medal to recognise people who ...
Despite kids who reported having overall better well-being compared to kids who did not own smartphones, they also reported ...
Travelers could "opt in" for a lower-emissions hotel room and go without single-use shampoo and conditioner, daily towels or ...
Researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory have tested a quantum computing approach to an old ...
Big donations of the vintage instruments enrich the stateʻs Hawaiian Music Archives. Soon, you may be able to check them out.
With no help from the federal government, states are trying to regulate recreational marijuana. California's Department of ...
New research on the hippocampus, a brain area essential for memory, suggests that new rules of synaptic plasticity best explain how brain activity continually reshapes the way memories are recorded in ...
Dave Philipps of The New York Times shares how he reported his stories despite extremely limited access to military officials ...
BRIDGES, which supports people with disabilities, has created the 1,000-square-foot space to aid kids overwhelmed by the mall experience.
What drew you to pursue a career in oncology and what is it that inspires you most about working in this field?
Sam Srisatta, a 20-year-old Florida college student, spent a month living inside a government hospital here last fall, ...