With April bill increases looming for water, gas, electricity - alongside everything else - it's time to check your meter ...
HOUSEHOLDS are being urged to make a key check ahead of energy bills rising next week. Millions of homes are using smart meters to send information about their energy usage automatically to their ...
Smart meter units are set to be forced on half a million British Gas, OVO, EDF, EON, Octopus users, it has been warned. Units ...
Smart meters provide detailed information so a customer can make choices about how and when to use energy and save money, ...
The installation of smart meters in new electrical setups within the BESCOM jurisdiction is being carried out with complete transparency, with a scientific pricing structure in place, BESCOM Managing ...
Secretary OERC Priyabrata Patnaik said: “There has been no increase in the power tariff for the last four years. Although the ...
HUNDREDS of thousands of people are being warned they are in danger of having their electricity and hot water switched off.
Households on standard energy tariffs are being urged to submit their meter reading before 1 April to ensure they do not ...
Cohen said smart meters don't increase bills: "They read a customer’s energy use just as a legacy meter did. However, if a customer was receiving estimated reads prior to installation of their ...
Nine million households in the UK are being urged to submit their meter readings before 1 April to avoid potential overpayments of up to £34 million. The latest research from Uswitch.com highlights ...
Aound one in 10 meters are thought to be not working and stuck in "dumb" mode, according to recent data from energy regulator ...
Itron (ITRI) and CHINT Global have introduced the first residential electric smart meter based on the DLMS User Association’s AC Electricity ...