RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) - Governor Rhoden has signed his first bill since taking up his new job: banning sanctuary cities in South Dakota. The Governor was joined for a signing ceremony in Pierre by ...
RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) - Several Rapid City police officers and Pennington County Sheriff’s deputies arrived at a town home ...
Efforts to apprehend illegal immigrants with criminal warrants have stepped up in SD since Trump took office, and it's likely ...
SB 51 will be heard in the House next week, and if it passes there, it will head to Gov. Larry Rhoden’s desk for final approval.
Three South Dakota women created Host Happy Hour, a pop-up selling and shopping opportunity that invites people to grab a ...
The bill advanced on an 8-vote 7 by the House Education Committee. If passed on the floor it'll go to Gov. Larry Rhoden's desk, where he can sign or veto ...
Kambree Thomas signed a letter of intent to compete in cheerleading at Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa. The Rapid City Stevens senior plans to major in nursing. She is excited to continue ...
RAPID CITY, S.D. - Rodeo Rapid City continued on Thursday with the first of four PRCA rodeo performances. Colt Eck from Fort ...