Workplace violence has been steadily increasing in hospitals and other health care centers nationally and globally.
Drew Forehand, a registered nurse at OSU's Comprehensive Cancer ... putting us in a situation where they're asking us to bring a stethoscope to a gunfight." "I love this profession, absolutely ...
Around the time horrific violence against nurses at hospitals in Florida and Pennsylvania captured February headlines, a patient attacked nurses at Backus Hospital in Norwich, sending one to the ...
Now, the scholarship is a new way to honor Garris, who was a big part of the community through his volunteer efforts and as ...
Lynchburg City Schools will use the $30,000 grant it received from the Claude Moore Charitable Foundation for new equipment ...
Moreover, professional associations like the Association of PeriOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) have preceded the CDC by issuing its own standards of care for stethoscope hygiene between each ...
As Americans live longer, there's a dire need to create an age-friendly health care system. But right now, there aren't ...
Nursing programs in Canadian universities ... pay additional fees for essential supplies such as textbooks, uniforms, stethoscopes, and lab kits. She also mentioned other mandatory fees ...
In the fourth hearing of the trial for the death of Diego Armando Maradona in the "house of horror", two doctors who attended ...
Patrick De Lamirande, a professor of economy at Cape Breton University, recommends caution when looking at health care ...