Residents at Elgar Court Residential Care Home celebrated World Poetry Day with a special guest. Arabella Quink, a celebrated author, visited the Malvern care home to help residents get involved in ...
Her marathon 2-hour-18-minute speech was shorter than the combined duration of the previous two Union Budget speeches by ...
Below are 60 of the best quotes about love — some are happy, some are sad, some are about love lost, and some are about true ...
Artist Loryn Brantz aims to help parents feel seen through the moments of frustration, laughter and love that come with ...
Her writing toed the line between fine art and poetry, asking readers to think of language as a multidimensional tool of ...
This lesbian dating series — with the brilliant tagline "move in or move on" — was created by Tori Davis with executive ...
April is National Poetry Month, so in honor of that I will offer some thoughts about springtime poems. The first to come to ...
Beacon Hill Roll Call records local representatives’ votes on roll calls from recent debate on the House rules. There were no ...
Uzo Abuda has played the role of Suzanne Warren in Orange is The New Black. She has done a commendable job with her ability to navigate the complex emotional landscape of Suzanne’s character.
Poet and author Charles Ghigna shares the story of a poem he wrote after waking up to his infant son's babbling over a nursery monitor.
Our feeds are fiery with this Dalit Christian’s acerbic takes on caste and oppression. People hate her but she doesn’t care ...
However, if you take the time to understand all of the pitfalls and trials that many go through before reaching their goals, ...