Jan. 17, 1920: Put down your drinks, Kentucky: Prohibition begins. According to the Lexington Leader, it was a day of mixed blessing with the “drys” celebrating while the “wets” cried in ...
Federal dietary guidelines could be heading in an alcohol-free direction, thanks in part to zero-tolerance temperance groups that object to drinking.
Excerpt from "Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition" "THE STREETS OF San Francisco were jammed. A frenzy of cars, trucks, wagons, and every other imaginable form of conveyance crisscrossed ...
Despite the end of prohibition nationally, North Carolina as a whole didn’t begin allowing alcohol sales again until 1935. The state established the Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) system to ...
President Herbert Hoover called Prohibition "the Noble Experiment". Its supporters believed that problems in society caused by alcohol could be solved by government legislation. close government ...
Prohibition already existed Prohibition had a long history in the USA at both local and state level. For example, the state of Maine turned ‘dry’ in 1851. Temperance groups Many campaigning ...