If passed, the legislation would make it easier to build new natural gas plants in the state — a move that has ... “But it is also true that Potomac Edison hasn’t come in and asked for higher rates, ...
“Mon Power and Potomac Edison are planning to develop new ... Dispatchable power generation means the plant is able to be ...
“Mon Power and Potomac Edison are planning to develop new ... Dispatchable power generation means the plant is able to be turned on or off and adjust power output based on energy demand. The fuel ...
The Dominion Post on Tuesday asked FirstEnergy for clarification if it would convert the two plants to combined-cycle or build new. FirstEnergy confirmed that Mon Power and Potomac Edison are ...
Electric bills going to county residents rose in startling increments in the last two months and some say it’s not all due to this winter’s frigid temperatures. Online forums have attracted hundreds ...
Environmental advocates oppose a proposed energy bill that Maryland Democratic leaders argue will reduce utility costs and ...
At the Utilities Town Hall meeting on February 18, companies got a much easier ride than expected with no voluble residents ...
On February 26, the PJM Board of Managers selected several electric transmission projects to be developed by three prominent power companies ... $46 million for other FirstEnergy subsidiaries Potomac ...
Convergent Energy and Power's system provided 11 hours of backup power to reduce the duration of an outage until utility crews were repairing and restoring service ...