VILNIUS - The whole point of the Baltic countries' synchronization with continental Europe, scheduled for this weekend, is that they will control the electricity grid themselves without relying on ...
After the disconnection plans were announced, propaganda campaigns cropped up on social media and in printed leaflets in city ...
Decades after leaving the Soviet Union, the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania this weekend will flip a switch ...
Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda is sceptical that it will be possible to reach an agreement on joint European debt for ...
The country recently became the first member of the NATO military alliance to commit to raising its defense spending to at ...
Lietuvos banko valdybos pirmininkas Gediminas Šimkus susitinka su prezidentu Gitanu Nausėda. Roberto Riabovo (BNS) nuotr. Šalies vadovas Gitanas Nausėda rengiasi Seimui teikti įstatymo pataisas, ...
Tokiu būdu vidaus resursais būtų skatinamas Lietuvos ekonomikos augimas“, – nurodė prezidentūra. Pasak jos, G. Nausėda remiasi kitoje euro zonos valstybėje – Prancūzijoje – veikiančiu reguliaciniu ...
Lietuvai ketinant iki 2030-ųjų gynybai skirti ženkliai didesnį finansavimą, prezidentas Gitanas Nausėda siūlo tai daryti naudojant Lietuvos valiutos atsargas. Daugiau nei 7 mlrd. eurų siekiančios ...
Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda said Friday. With the president's pledge, the Baltic nation bordering Russia becomes the first NATO nation to vow to reach a 5% goal called for by U.S ...