Potem ko jim je lani v Šmartnem ob Dreti dobesedno pol vrtca in šole splavalo po vodi, so vsi zavihali rokave za svoje otroke ...
Klub za ohranjanje tehnične kulturne dediščine in razvoj podeželja Steyr je na letošnjem mednarodnem kmetijsko-živilskem ...
Američanom ni dala miru večkrat izpovedana želja Luke Dončića ... kako pozorno spremlja umetnost pridelave sira in po cesti vozi velikanski traktor. Bilo je kaj za videti. Prizori iz ene izmed ...
Večjih zamud z izvajanjem odločb, za katere ni objektivnih razlogov (na primer nedostopnost ... zastarelih ali slabo vzdrževanih delovnih naprav (motorna žaga, traktor) in slabe psihofizične ...
Mr Givan told BBC News NI that schools in Northern Ireland could not be directly compared with many private schools in England, and the new UK-wide approach did not "reflect how the Northern ...
People from outside the UK or EU accounted for all the growth in healthcare workers in Northern Ireland last year, official data suggests. HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has published new figures ...
The total number of applications for Irish passports in Northern Ireland is expected to exceed one million by the end of 2024, with 775,000 issued so far. Antrim has seen the highest number of ...
V Lombardiji je v zadnjih 24 urah padlo več kot 150 milimetrov dežja. Iz prestolnice te dežele, Milana, poročajo o hudih nalivih, zaradi katerih sta močno narasli reki Seveso in Lambro. Poplavljenih ...
Police are advising road users to seek alternative routes. Trafficwatch NI posted at 6.30pm: "M2 - delays heading Northward due to an incident at Yorkgate - traffic effected back along the M1 ...
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