Just inside one of the ancient gates to the city, signs of ... through the centre of Mosul: the edge of areas claimed by Kurdish leaders as part of their historical homeland.
Saad Muhammed Jarjees, who lives in Mosul’s Old City, remembered how he used to look at the Al-Hadbaa Minaret from the window of his house every day — and how his heart sank when it fell.
The Mosul reservoir in Iraq revealed a 3400-year-old Mittani Empire-era city ... Immediate action was taken to map large areas of the city and document the palace, several large buildings, a ...
Saad Muhammed Jarjees, who lives in Mosul’s Old City, remembered how he used to look at the Al-Hadbaa Minaret from the window of his house every day — and how his heart sank when it fell.