Horticulture Specialist Amanda Weidner of the Pueblo County CSU-Extension Office writes about planting trees and offers tips ...
A fiver bought me a Lost Mary pink lemonade and a stern warning of the product’s highly addictive quality. The smoky soda pop ...
The hot, dry days of summer are coming, but you can have vibrant foundation plants and ground covers without fighting against ...
We have to mix in peat moss, mushroom compost ... While you need a different method for lawns, Garlington favors drip irrigation to get foundation plants started. “Some plants take more ...
Want to grow roses in North Texas but not sure how to make a garden thrive or which varieties to select? We've sorted it all ...
Peat moss, compost and decomposed manures are good ... Use irrigation to supplement natural rainfall during dry periods. Soaker hoses or drip irrigation may be placed directly on the bed.
Holes are drilled in the soil in concentric circles or in a grid system around the plant's trunk, beginning 2 to 3 feet from the main trunk and extending 3 to 6 feet beyond the drip line.
Allen’s Hummingbird Identification The male Allen’s hummingbird has warm rusty-orange flanks, breast band, face, neck, and ...