A discovery about the dark fur of early mammals confirms long-held theories about their evolutionary and ecological behavior.
I have a fascinating history but am more likely to excite your five-year old than your wife.
Archaeologists have discovered fossilized facial bones of an ancient human race which lived roughly 1.4 million years ago, according to a study published in Nature. The remains were first discovered ...
The evolution of insect-eating birds may have spurred rapid changes in the flight ability of ancient cicadas, according to ...
Can plants reveal the secrets of survival during Earth's darkest days? At an outcrop north of Sydney, Australia, the research ...
A region in China’s Turpan-Hami Basin served as a refugium - or “life oasis”- for terrestrial plants during the end-Permian ...
In an Australian first, researchers have described a new species of 15-million-year-old fossilized freshwater fish, ...