Shallow seas formed, dividing some continents. In the Late Cretaceous, for example, the Western Interior Seaway split North America into two landmasses. At its largest this sea was more than 3,000 ...
A rare new species of two-clawed dinosaur has been discovered by scientists in Mongolia's Gobi Desert. The species, named ...
This small, bird-like dinosaur thrived during the Late Cretaceous period across what is now North America. It had long, slender legs and a lightweight build, making Troodon ideally suited for ...
Xiphactinus was one of the largest bony fish of the Late Cretaceous and is considered ... which covered much of central North America during the Cretaceous. Though long extinct, if alive today ...
In Mongolia, a new species of dinosaur with strange claws has been unearthed by paleontologists. It was discovered in the […] ...
Allosaurus was the most common large carnivore of the Late Jurassic in North America. It was a smaller predecessor of the Cretaceous Tyrannosaurus. Strong forelimbs with sharp claws, powerful hind ...
With a massive body, sharp teeth, and jaws so powerful they could crush a car, this famous carnivore dominated the forested river valleys in western North America during the late Cretaceous period ...
Therizinosaurs were a group of either herbivorous or omnivorous theropod dinosaurs that lived in Asia and North America during ... which dates back to the Late Cretaceous period (between 100.5 ...