He is part of the Sunni community and often meets with mosque leaders for community outreach ... The U.S. and its allies invaded Iraq the following year to free Kuwait from Hussein's rule.
Prayers performed on this special night are regarded as the equivalent of worshipping God for a thousand months ...
Sunni Muslims believe it is on one of the last ... 21st or 23rd of Ramadan and those in Iraq typically observe it on the 21st which will be the night of Thursday, March 20. What are the signs ...
The human rights of religious minorities and others who do not conform to the interpretation of Islam prescribed by the ...
Everyone watched as the 40 players on one team huddled together under a blanket to avoid prying eyes, and decided who would hide the "mehbis" or signet ring worn by many Iraqi men. Sitting on the ...
In an article published in Al-Araby Al-Jadeed on August 6, 2015, titled “Sunni Grievances in Syria ... He delivered a sermon at the Zain al-Abidin mosque in Damascus, titled “Beware ...
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to present this testimony on the critical issue of religious freedom in Afghanistan. The human rights of ...
Iraq wants to diversify its economy away from oil and toward tourism. Although Western travelers have made headlines in ...