I remember just being astonished by the representations of the gods. The omnipresence of the gods in the world of the Iliad, ...
Gateway is now reckoning with a “failure of culture,” according to Tra Willbanks, the chair of Gateway’s board of elders. In ...
There is a semi-old adage that says if something walks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a ...
Gift 5 articles to anyone you choose each month when you subscribe ... Wilson’s lean prose sought to recast the epic poem in contemporary English, without the colonial tropes of older ...
I remember, at one point, I was trying to covertly order a binder online. My mom came to me in tears: ‘Are you a trans man ... if I would choose to be in my poetry club. There’s a whole ...
Haunted by the Holocaust, elderly Jewish protesters speak to us about their rejection of Zionism and their call for an end to ...
Dell Hymes, a leading figure in the emergence of ethnopoetics in the 1970s, opened the door a crack to a more aesthetic mode of contemplation, going so far in his essay “Anthropology and Poetry” as ..
In tomorrow’s episode, fans can expect Carter Walton (Lawrence Saint-Victor) to want peace but to also be conflicted ... storyline are you looking forward to seeing the most? Share your thoughts in ...
PEOPLE shares an intimate first look at Maria Shriver's new book, 'I Am Maria,' revealing her feelings as she navigated ...