As a result, Lydian can produce e-fuel that’s competitive with biofuels when electricity prices are around 3 to 4 cents per ...
The science isn’t all that new, but it’s raised concerns and praise on three fronts: the environment, land rights and what ...
Materials such as concrete containing carbonate-based aggregates, bio-based plastics and biochar could sequester more than 16 billion tonnes of CO2 a year ...
While efforts to tackle global warming and atmospheric carbon have taken various forms, biochar stands out for its dual ...
Researchers plan to study whether carbon can be stored underground in the oil fields of Osage and Kay counties.
Companies looking to build carbon capture pipelines are utilizing the power of eminent domain when property owners won't willingly negotiate easements. In at least some cases, rather than go through ...
Ammonia has enormous potential as a fuel of the future, but most current production methods make it a dirty source of energy.
Burning plastic waste releases harmful chemicals into the air, including dioxins, furans and mercury, many of which are known ...
A study published in BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health suggests the CO2 in carbonated water might help with weight loss by boosting how red blood cells process glucose.
Unraveling the chemical processes in soot particle filters reveals new ways to produce synthetic fuels.
Living on Mars will be no easy feat. Building viable living quarters would require an inflatable habitat that can be covered ...
Researchers from Macquarie University, Sydney found that 40 per cent of people would splash out for a low-emissions flight.