Legendary Entertainment, the producer of “Dune,” is partnering with Oscar-winning “CODA” producer and veteran media executive Patrick Wachsberger on 193, a new stand-alone joint venture.
Movie vet Patrick Wachsberger and Legendary Entertainment have created a new film production and sales banner, 193. Wachsberger will be CEO of the new entity. It will be a standalone JV for ...
Patrick Wachsberger, the former Summit/Lionsgate film chief and producer of Oscar best picture winner CODA, has inked a deal with Legendary CEO Josh Grode to launch a new shingle, titled 193 ...
Movie vet Patrick Wachsberger and Legendary Entertainment have created a new film production and sales banner, 193. Wachsberger will be CEO of the new entity. It will be a standalone JV for Legendary ...
With the Berlin EFM less than one month away, Legendary Entertainment and veteran sales and entertainment executive Patrick Wachsberger have launched production and sales joint venture 193 to be ...
Legendary Entertainment, the producer of “Dune,” is partnering with Oscar-winning “CODA” producer and veteran media executive Patrick Wachsberger on 193, a new stand-alone joint venture. Wachsberger, ...
Legendary Entertainment has expanded its presence in global independent film with the formation of 193, a new stand-alone joint venture to be run by producer and executive Patrick Wachsberger ...
For New York hockey fans, the bizarre saga unfolded after the Rangers won the Stanley Cup in 1940, and finished first two years later, under coach Frank Boucher and general manager Lester Patrick.