That dubious honor goes to two young Jewish men accused of committing the ... The Loeb and Leopold families hired Clarence Darrow, the most famous defense attorney at the time, to defend ...
Jewish celebrities on both sides of the Atlantic have been noticeably silent in the face of increases in antisemitism. Carl ...
How Nolan’s film portrays the story’s several Jewish characters Bird writes an account of Oppenheimer running into Albert Einstein, one of the most famous Jewish figures of the 20th century ...
Styling himself a media personality, he wraps the Jewish rich and famous, riding a wave of national spirit during a fraught moment for Jewish identity. This week he wrapped Jake Paul, the YouTuber ...
This is the profound and remarkable story of the 550,000 Jewish Americans who served their country in World War II. These brave men and women fought for their nation and for Jewish people worldwide.
No doubt about it.” Stringer, who is also Jewish, was not mentioned in the AJC statement. The AJC was founded by famous Jewish Americans and leaders including Albert Einstein, former Israeli ...
IN THE 1980 comedy Airplane! there is a scene where a passenger asks a flight attendant for light reading, and she offers a leaflet called "Famous Jewish Sports Legends." At the time, Sandy Koufax ...
“The fact that we have to go to those lengths shows how in desperate need we are for famous Jewish voices to enter the chat. It’s cringe.” Jewish comedian Zach Sage Fox agreed ...