As Kurds themselves face persecution from both Turkey and Iran, their violence against Assyrians has only intensified through ...
Was the Trojan Horse really a huge statue of a horse, or was it something else entirely? Researchers have differing ideas and ...
Before the Library of Alexandria there was the Library of Ashurbanipal – an Assyrian king who collected the knowledge of ...
Syriacs are an ethnic group historically settled in regions that now include modern-day Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran. Their ...
The Bible has a surprising amount to say regarding the origin of the Minoans. What are its claims, and how does this relate to archaeology?
A fierce rivalry between four scholars ignited a race to crack the world’s oldest writing, unlocking the secrets of Mesopotamia after millennia of silence.
Uranus' accidental discovery 240 years ago greatly enhanced our understanding of the solar system, doubling the size of the ...
Situated on the left-side upland plateau of Debed Canyon in the Lori province, Odzun is one of the largest villages in ...
According to MP George Aslan, the presence of a mosque in the village could discourage Syriacs from reclaiming their land.
Prologue An Orphic hymn says that Kypris, Aphrodite of Cyprus, was the “scheming mother of necessity.” She controlled and ...