Ash Wednesday has come and gone and Lent has begun. With it comes memes about fasting and the oddities of what the Church does and doesn’t consider meat. Lent is a significant period in the Christian ...
Lent, a period of prayer and fasting, begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday. Many Christians observe Lent by giving up something they enjoy, such as sweets or alcohol. Ash Wednesday ...
Lent is supposed to be a time of reflection and contemplation, but only if you do it right. And I can already say with confidence, barely a few days into this Lenten Season, that I am doing it wrong.
Why is Lent observed every year? The 40-day period of observance through prayers, service, fasting and abstinence is a way of renewing one’s commitment to the faith and the church. Christians ...
The start of Lent is a time observed in many Christian traditions, including Catholic, Lutheran, Moravian, Anglican, United Protestant, and Orthodox. It is usually a 40-day period, which echoes ...
Each year, many Christians observe Lent, a 40-day period of reflection and self-discipline that precedes Easter Sunday. The dates of the observation change year over year, depending on when Easter ...
Lent is the 40-day period which is observed by Christians around the world. During this time, Christians abstain from alcohol, coffee, chocolate, swearing and other things. The start of the Lenten ...
Last Lent, my wife and I decided to get ashes at noon. There were only a few people in the church. At the front was a man and woman holding bowls of ashes. We walked down the long center aisle to ...
As the liturgical season of Lent enters its first full week, it is a time to adjust one's routine to be in a better place spiritually during the 40 days of the Lenten season, according to Pastor ...
Better indulge while you can — Lent is almost here. With Ash Wednesday marking the start of 40 days of fasting, reflection and repentance, Christians everywhere are gearing up to trade ...
Wednesday was Ash Wednesday, marking the beginning of Lent, a 40-day period of prayer observed ahead of Easter. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday (April 18) are days of fasting, during which Catholics ...