Little cottages and beach houses nestle among shore pines that grow at crazy angles from years of ocean winds. Some of the ...
Same state, different highway hole. A gaping sinkhole opened up on a different New Jersey highway Friday — days after a third formed just miles away along Interstate 80 since December and threw ...
SEOUL-A motorcyclist fell into a 20m-wide sinkhole that appeared in the middle of a road in Seoul on March 24, the authorities said, with rescue efforts under way. The sinkhole opened near an ...
As sinkholes continue to open up Route 80 and now Route 287, getting around North Jersey, and in particular Morris County, is becoming more challenging each day. On Route 80, the voids on both the ...
One isn't working out. In early February, a sinkhole 11 feet in diameter opened up along the eastbound lanes just west of the highway's Route 15 overpass. After the collapse, New Jersey Department ...
SAN DIEGO — It's been two years since a sinkhole opened up near a La Jolla condo complex. All of the residents remain displaced. The anniversary comes as another lawsuit was just filed ...
A portion of a Midwest City family's backyard is off limits due to a growing sinkhole. The city says a broken drainage pipe, ...
In the Glenwood Creston neighborhood of Raleigh, a stormwater drain that has repeatedly overflowed with water has created several hazardous sinkholes for several years. Glenwood Creston ...
Gov. Phil Murphy is urging commuters affected by a series of sinkholes that closed portions of Interstate 80 to “please work from home” as road crews assess and repair the damage — a process ...
Road closures are continuing so investigators can understand the scale of the damage to buildings after a sinkhole appeared in La Pouquelaye area of St Helier. The hole at Rouge Bouillon appeared ...