Lungfish are sometimes called "living fossils ... limbs and crawled onto land around 370 million years ago during the ...
the lungfish Isityumzi mlomomde, and a cyrtoctenid eurypterid. Painting by Maggie Newman, copyright R. W. Gess. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news ...
Collected by Harry Toombs in the 1960s from the Late Devonian Gogo Formation of western Australia. Fossil taxa include lungfish and other sarcopterygians, a variety of placoderms and actinopterygians.
Thus, both the coelacanth-rhipidistian and lungfish-tetrapod splits should have occurred sometime during the interval from Ludlow to Lochkovian, which means that the minimal estimated time for two ...