HYRUM-Construction of a new much needed spillway on Hyrum Dam was announced earlier this week by the U.S. US Bureau of ...
Rehabilitation of the Lake Matoaka Dam will allow for the safe overtopping of the embankment during an event of Probable Maximum Precipitation, bringing the dam into compliance with State Dam Safety ...
More than a mile long, the Grand Coulee Dam is the largest concrete structure in the U.S. In the fall of 2011, dam operators agreed to open the spillway just for American Experience. "It was very ...
The Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Reclamation has awarded a contract valued at $115 million to Ames Federal to ...
The Four Lakes Task Force says it now has all the permits to repair and reconstruct four Tittabawassee River dams.
Lake water flows over the emergency spillway, bottom left, at Lake Oroville for the first time in the Oroville Dam's nearly 50-year history, Feb. 11, 2017. Credit: Randy Pench/The Sacramento Bee ...