The One Digital Grid Platform is intended to provide the data and technical foundation to integrate independent software ...
SAVE is a demonstration VPP in which PG&E provides participating aggregators, including Sunrun and SPAN, with week-ahead ...
Utah-based solar energy company Torus last week joined exclusive company when it was certified as one of only two commercial ...
An explosion in clean energy development has clogged the process of hooking up to the power grid, threatening reliability, ...
The next step toward Ann Arbor’s Sustainable Energy Utility becoming a reality happens at tonight’s City Council meeting.
PUNCH, or Polarimeter to Unify the Corona and Heliosphere, will study how the sun affects the solar system. The mission will observe the sun’s hot outer atmosphere, called the corona ...
Taunton has launched its first municipal solar project, a rooftop array at Chamberlain Elementary School. The project cost $2.1 million, including a new roof for the school, and was scaled back ...
The Michigan Public Service Commission recently ruled that DTE Electric's request to charge customers $33,774,728 in costs will not be approved. The Michigan Public Service Commission's decision ...
DAYTON, Ohio (WKEF) -- A five-megawatt 25-acre solar array installation is to be built on an existing brownfield site in northeast Dayton. The project will provide more than one-third of the ...
The Orion spacecraft for Artemis II has been equipped with four solar array wings by ESA and Airbus. These arrays, each with 15,000 solar cells and nearly 23 feet long, will provide electrical ...