Emma Little-Pengelly has spoken of her recollections of shocking Troubles-era advert that traumatised a Northern Ireland, ...
Cradle of Filth frontman Dani Filth is a horror enthusiast and, here, he shares his five favorite stories by H.P. Lovecraft.
In reference to the new song 'To Live Deliciously,' Dani Filth names when Cradle of Filth felt they worked with the least constraints as a band.
A shocking Troubles-era advert that traumatised Northern Ireland is also where Emma Little-Pengelly found one of her favourite songs.
The Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the Bajrang Dal led demonstrations across the state on Monday demanding the demolition of ...
Each instance acts as a traditional "Hero's Journey" in the best Joseph Campbell sense of the word as the obstinate orphan ...
Readers write in from Calcutta, Kazipet, Telangana; Jamshedpur, Chennai, Maruthancode, Tamil Nadu, East Burdwan and Kanpur ...
The 2000 comedy film amplified the trend of her portraying ... this led to Union doing other more mature films like Bad Boys ...
The National Medal of Honor Museum in Arlington, Texas, honors the military service members who received the Medal of Honor.
Unlike many musicals that borrow from mythical lore or well-trodden novels, PARROTS AT THE PAGODA is rooted in the real life of Johnny Rodríguez, a ...
Hollywood has always been fond of this property with several iterations including the 2002 film starring Guy Pearce ... and The Hand That Rocks The Cradle, from highly acclaimed Mexican writer ...