MUSKEGON, MI - A new, secondary bathroom is almost complete at Pere Marquette Beach in Muskegon. “It’s not only nice to have a second restroom but one that can be more accommodating,” said Kyle ...
Consumers Energy told News Channel 3 it’s all part of its Reliability Roadmap: a plan to keep service more consistent and ...
Consumers Energy is rolling out a new plan meant to help low-income residents access green energy sources while saving them ...
Consumers Energy is planning to cut power to about 1,000 customers in Saginaw Township on Thursday night so crews can ...
State regulators signed off on another rate hike for Jackson-based Consumers Energy on Friday, approving a $153.8 million ...
As demand for electricity increases across the country, nuclear energy holds promise for a climate-friendly solution. And as ...
With the start of Michigan wildfire season in March, Consumers Energy is taking proactive steps to protect at-risk communities by launching a Wildfire Safety website.This new website highligh. . .
The old brick buildings on Fulford Street in Kalamazoo's Edison neighborhood could’ve remained crumbling husks of Kalamazoo’s ...