The Trump administration’s chaotic moves on energy policy are sewing disorder in Colorado's solar energy development industry ...
House Bill 1269 in Colorado aims to relax requirements for reducing greenhouse emissions in buildings, but faces opposition ...
Resistance is building in southeastern Colorado to a proposed corridor for a high-voltage transmission line that the U.S. Department of Energy is considering establishing in three states.
A national conservation group has identified Dinosaur National Monument on the Colorado-Utah border as a possible site for ...
Under that measure, state and local governments would be prohibited from banning the use of natural gas as an energy source ...
SunTrain wants to use the existing freight rail system to transport clean energy from wind farms and solar arrays to the grid ...
Billions of gallons of freshwater are used for fracking every year in Colorado. Companies will now have to gradually increase ...
With temperatures surpassing 180 degrees Fahrenheit, the resort holds some of the hottest water out of Colorado’s roughly 400 ...