The provincial government wants to kick-start 14 new school construction projects in the Edmonton area, including planning ...
Ohpaho Secondary School opened in Leduc last fall, and in October, the province approved construction funding for a replacement high school in Spruce Grove ... to Dr. Anne Anderson High School ...
The Censor editor acknowledges with thanks the gift of a half-dozen specimens of hen fruit, presented by Ole Fortun. One of the eggs weighed a quarter of a pound, and measured eight inches in ...
ANDERSON — Donald Martin was a self-described “class clown” during his elementary school days. He said his desire for acceptance was part of his approach to lightening the mood in a variety ...
Deb Marcotte, executive director of HVED, attended the Lanesboro School Board regular meeting March 12 to update the board on the progress on the remodel of the former Winona Mall into a centralized ...
• Open 8 Ball Tournament, Penticton Seniors’ Drop-In Centre, 9 a.m., mat yoga, 9 a.m., French, 9:30 a.m., level 2 ukulele, ...
Then it was Franklin High School, this time it was Pine Grove Manor Elementary School. Guerrero was named to fill the vacancy ...
ASH GROVE, Mo. (KY3)—The Ash Grove School District is asking community members to pass a no-tax-rate-increase bond issue that ...
The Forest Hills School District says that Anderson High School will be closed into Tuesday now. According to the school district, the closure is due to an electrical issue within the school.
ANDERSON — Second-grade students at Anderson Elementary School performed in an annual Black history event that included songs, dance and poetry. The program Friday was named “Celebrating a ...