The Wars of Alexander's successors, were a series of conflicts that erupted among the generals of Alexander the Great.
King Tharypas of Epirus, the pioneering ruler who Hellenized the Molossian kingdom, shaped its cultural, political and ...
The recent discoveries on Failaka Island, at the entrance of the Persian Gulf, confirm the presence of the Macedonians there, ...
A Titian Madonna, a swashbuckling Medieval codex and a set of wearable Egyptian amulets are among the treasures at this ...
Not-so-famous dog breeds also deserve our attention. The Macedonian Shepherd Dog (Sharr Dog or Sharplaninac) is a rare treasure from the Balkan region in Europe. This fearless guardian deserves to be ...
Alexander the Great of Macedonia, who reigned from 356-323 BC, was known to have said, “I am not afraid of an army of lions ...
Coexistence, My Ass!, a film about Israeli comedian Noam Shuster-Eliassi who dares to advocate for peaceful coexistence ...
Imperiums: Greek Wars is a combination of turn-based 4X and historical grand strategy with a mythological twist.
The Byzantine Empire in the 7th century was wrecked by military strife. The empire was halved, with its richest territories ...
Alexander III of Macedon was born in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia in July 356 BC. He died of a fever in Babylon in ...
Despite their best efforts, the Macedonian army couldn’t secure a decisive victory ... The article first appeared on Ancient History Vault.
According to legend, the people of Phrygia in Asia Minor, across the Aegean Sea from ancient Greece in what is today the central ... a strapping lad of 23 with worldly aspirations who was named king ...