This 8th-century miniature, by the Spanish monk Beatus of Liébana, depicts the Bible story of Babylonian King Nebuchadrezzar eating grass as divine punishment. Photograph by Granger Collection ...
Near the start of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, there was a massive but largely forgotten battle between the Greeks and the ...
(CNN)-- The U.S. military did major damage to the site of one of the wonders of the ancient world while converting it into a base, the United Nations said in a new report. The site of the Hanging ...
A team of researchers have successfully decoded 4,000-year-old writings on ancient Babylonian cuneiform tablets that had remained untranslated for over a century. The latest research focused on ...
Al-Monitor is an award-winning media outlet covering the Middle East, valued for its independence, diversity and analysis. It is read widely by US, international and Middle East decision makers at the ...
Ancient Near East is the birthplace of agriculture, great empires, cities, sciences, arts, mathematics, astronomy, and early writing systems. The present-day Near East is the cradle of the world's ...