Montenegro's President Jakov Milatović talks to phoenix reporter Marlon Amoyal about the targets of the European Political ...
Is Israel's democracy finished? Richard David Precht discusses with the philosopher Omri Boehm. (English language version) ...
At the end of the 1920s, the “Rural People’s Movement” demonstrated against social decline. Their anger and bitterness was ...
The defeat at Stalingrad was the turning point of the war and convinced the Nazi leadership to intensify their terror and ...
Together with Treblinka and Majdanek, Sobibor is one of the camps in "Operation Reinhardt," a Nazi murder campaign that took two million lives.
By 1923 the Nazi Party had around 55,000 members, with Adolf Hitler at its head, presenting himself as the strong-man of the right-extremist scene.
Eight-year-old Savvas is the only student at his school. He lives with his mother and grandfather on a small Greek island.
Ein Mann sollte 1.404 Euro Hundesteuer zahlen - obwohl er gar keinen Hund besitzt. Ein jahrelanger Rechtsstreit folgte. Nun ...
Die Schlichter im Tarifstreit des öffentlichen Diensts von Bund und Kommen schlagen eine Erhöhung der Einkommen in zwei ...
Aufgrund von Nachwirkungen seiner Krebstherapie musste der 76-Jährige kurzzeitig in die Klinik und seine Termine absagen. Nun ...
Was kann gegen den Hunger auf der Welt getan werden? Immer noch haben Millionen Menschen nicht genug zu essen. Nun wird über ...
Alle gucken in den Himmel. Dabei tragen sie besondere Brillen aus Pappe. Am Samstag verdeckt der Mond auch über Deutschland ...