The Government has started to “bring landlords into line”, but more needs to be done to tackle the pressures in the private ...
One in five renters has borrowed money that needs to be paid back for their five-week cash deposit, putting them in a ...
Landlords struggling with “needlessly complex” HMO licence renewal applications are fed up and selling up, according to ...
This of course, only works if you’re able to sell your properties now for the best prices possible, and crucially, fast. This ...
Landlords will have to use the new Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self-Assessment system, the Chancellor has confirmed.
Concerns about whether new planning reforms go far enough to address the country’s housing shortage have been raised by ...
Inflation has dipped, boosting mortgage borrowers’ hopes of more interest rate cuts. Official figures showed that CPI eased ...
Landlords in Scotland have been warned to weigh up raising rents with risking void periods. Temporary rent restrictions on ...
Average asking rents have risen to £557 a week, new figures have revealed. Lettings agents Foxtons said the figure for ...
Tenants have been warned to know their rights following Chancellor Rachel Reeves’ announcement of a £2billion investment in ...
The Spring Statement proved a missed opportunity for landlords and extending the stamp duty holiday, it has been suggested.
Many flat sales are stalling due to a lack of meaningful progress on unsafe cladding repairs, estate agents have warned.