The Pomdoro technique of time management has moved on a little from the tomato-shaped kitchen timer which gave it a name, as ...
We recently got a note in the tips line from [Tavis Gustafson], who is one of the developers of Tronbyt — a replacement ...
Tektronix must have been quite a place to work back in the 1980s. The company offered a bewildering selection of test ...
How do you get images downlinked from 30 km up? Hams might guess SSTV — slow scan TV — and that’s the approach ...
[ombates] shares a step-by-step method for making a conductive bio-string from scratch, no fancy equipment required. She ...
When the AMSAT-OSCAR 7 (AO-7) amateur radio satellite was launched in 1974, its expected lifespan was about five years. The plucky little satellite made it to 1981 when a battery failure caused it ...
We ran a story about a wall-mounted plotter bot this week, Mural. It’s a simple, but very well implemented, take on a theme that we’ve seen over and over again in various forms. Two lines, or in ...
Radio waves travel fast, and they can bounce, too. If you are able to operate a 25-meter dish, a transmitter, a solid ...
You might think you don’t need a hearing aid, and you might be right. But in general, hearing loss eventually comes to all of ...
This week, researchers from Wiz Research released a series of vulnerabilities in the Kubernetes Ingress NGINX Controller ...
Printed circuit boards were once so simple. One or two layers of copper etched on a rectangular fiberglass substrate, with a ...
The sun is our planet’s source of natural illumination, and though we’ve mastered making artificial light sources, it remains ...