According to the AEU NT, graduate salaries will be $7,000 above NSW, $13k above Victoria, and $20k above SA. NT Teachers at ...
It’s too early to tell whether new penalties targeting vape retailers in Queensland will prove effective, an expert says.
Nine out of 10 Queensland communities will likely experience a crippling digital blackout in the event of a natural disaster, ...
Peter O’Neill has been appointed Queensland’s new industrial relations commissioner. Grace Grace – Queensland’s industrial ...
The NSW government has accepted all of the recommendations of an inquiry into gay hate crimes. Launched in 2022, the special ...
The police may not be the most appropriate agency to provide the primary response to the majority of mental health crises in ...
The Victorian government has developed a program to encourage more women to join the state’s public transport network in an ...
“Water technologies in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities need to be fit for purpose, place and people, ...
The South Australian government and Australia Post have launched a joint campaign to prevent posties being bitten by dogs.
Public school teachers across NSW will soon have access to a purpose-built artificial intelligence education app to help ...
Jennifer Black has been appointed the Mental Health Commissioner of NSW. Black brings to the role more than 30 years’ ...
Australia’s cybersecurity measures are inadequate and addressing data breaches must be a priority, says the country’s privacy ...