There’s a lot going on in the poetry community right now. My Santa Barbara Independent colleague, George Yatchisin, will ...
Devreaux Baker, Mendocino County’s first poet laureate, was about 19 years old when she left her home in Texas with her ...
For 176 years, the city Austin had no poet laureate. Plenty of creative people hung out here. The official post, however, did not exist. The first to fill that position, administered by the Austin ...
Aside from being Clark County’s current poet laureate, Ashley “Ms. AyeVee” Vargas has represented Las Vegas in the ...
The 24th Poet Laureate of the United States – and the first of Hispanic origin – shares her experience as an ambassador of ...
On March 22, 1929, the California legislature in a joint resolution names a man who spent his boyhood hunting ducks and geese in Sutter County as California’s second poet laureate.