Chapter 5 feels inevitable, and there is one fan favorite supporting character who needs to return after missing out on two ...
Though the John Wick franchise is known for its detailed universe, fans have always been curious as to how old the title ...
Keanu Reeves saved a Fast & Furious director's indie movie after it ran into financial trouble, who rejoices, "We have angels ...
Speed, the high-octane Keanue Reeves/Sandra Bullock action thriller, has a new streaming home. Read on for more.
Speaking at the Sundance Film Festival with The Wrap, Lin recounted how Keanu Reeves of all people brought his movie back ...
Turns out Keanu Reeves might actually be married to Winona Ryder "in the eyes of God" after their 'fake' wedding in Francis ...
Keanu Reeves helped Justin Lin get his indie film Last Days, about murdered missionary John Chau, off the ground.