scam, Apple and road toll

While Michigan doesn't have toll roads, the scam still targeted residents, especially those who recently traveled through ...
The text may have urgent language or appear from a legitimate source. That's by design, and it could be to your detriment.
But it never sends text messages requesting payment. "So, that's your first clue," HCTRA Assistant Director of Communications ...
The chorus of authorities warning about a popular text message scam has grown as fake toll road texts continue to ...
The N.C. Attorney General and Turnpike Authority warn that a nationwide scam is hitting phones in North Carolina.
The attorney general is warning people about a toll road texting scam. The way it works is that scammers send out a text with a link and click it, which can expose victims to financial fraud, allowing ...
The FBI is warning about a smishing scam claiming you owe money on unpaid toll road feed. Here's what they say to do if you get the text messages.
ATLANTA — A new cybersecurity report has found that cybercriminals have registered more than 10,000 domains for a scam about ...