Atkins’ nomination to chair the SEC is part of the latest attempt by the Trump administration to overhaul an independent agency and would have serious consequences for our ability to address growing ...
The European Union’s climate change advisory board’s recent recommendations on carbon removals are relevant for the bloc’s ...
California became the first U.S. state to pass climate-related disclosure laws, which impose climate-related reporting ...
The effects of the regional trade bloc on non-member countries are examined. Using the case of Mercosur, we examine the trend of intra-regional trade flows and of extra-bloc trade flows with the ...
This paper summarises GRAIN's view of what should be done with the World Trade Organisation's Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Article 27.3(b) during its 1999 Review.
Minneapolis - Traditional Minnesota wild rice, a staple for many Minnesotans and sacred food for tribal communities, could be threatened by research being done at the University of Minnesota, assert ...
A joint venture between Monsanto Co. (MON) and Cargill Inc. (X.CRG) has posted more than $300 million in losses since its 1999 startup and could wither without a swift infusion of new funding, ...
Flyer for the Healthy Lives, Healthy Minds Conference. November 2008.
"Historic evidence shows that Basmati is a distinctive cultivar developed by the farmers of India and Pakistan at least 250 years ago, and grown in many parts in these two countries ever since," says ...
Global survey on best practices related to sustainable food systems.
For the right to life, for the respect of nature and the uses and traditions of our ancestors and our peoples, for all time the following shall be declared as inviolable rights with regard to the uses ...
Forestland ownership patterns can have a significant impact on the long-term continuance of large tracts of forestland as diverse natural forests. In recent years, there has been something of a ...