It was the gratuitous rape of a young woman by officers answerable to their Austrian Gauleiter during the Act 3 Pas de soldats of Damiano Michieletto’s Covent Garden staging of Rossini’s Guillaume ...
Despite plenty of thespian firepower, William Tell misses the mark, writes Simon Morris.
Following is the program for the Pop concert in Symphony Hall this evening: 1. March, "Black Bess," Strube 2. Overture, "Martha," Flotow 3. Waltz, "Girls of Baden," Komzak 4.
The latter was said to be one of his proudest creations. After completing “William Tell” at the age of 37, Rossini never wrote another opera. During the final years of his life in France ...
The first Musical Club concert of the year was given last evening in Mechanics Hall, Lowell, by the Glee Club and the Pierian Sodality. The large Hall was well filled and the audience was ...