Thousands of people have attended events in Waitangi in northern New Zealand, to celebrate the country's national day.
Waitangi Day is a time to reflect on where we have come from and look forward to what we can achieve together. It has always ...
On February 6, 1840, the Treaty of Waitangi was signed for the first time. Here’s what was said by some of those who signed ...
Whether they were listening to the music, getting their face painted, shopping at stalls or enjoying food, locals say they ...
Waitangi Day in New Zealand is marked by controversy as Māori leaders condemn a proposed bill to redefine the Treaty of ...
The Parliamentary pōwhiri is a chance each year for politicians to have their say, and for the hau kāinga - home people - and ...
If immigration were underpinned by manaakitanga, manuhiri would be seen as more than just an economic contribution or cost ...
Analysis: The Prime Minister is absent, Marama Davidson is back, and David Seymour will front up to his opponents (despite a ...
February 6 marks the 185th anniversary of the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi (Treaty of Waitangi). To commemorate Aotearoa ...
New Zealand on Thursday marked the anniversary of its founding document, the Treaty of Waitangi. The day came with quiet ...
From Tangata Whenua to Tangata Tiriti, from seasoned attendees to first-time visitors at Waitangi, their visions for Aotearoa share a common theme - kotahitanga.
Politicians from the coalition government received a frosty reception at Waitangi this year, but Māori Development Minister ...