DEAR MISS MANNERS: Just over a year ago, myself, a friend and that friend’s cousin “Grace” were asked to be bridesmaids in ...
Please send your questions to Miss Manners at her website,; to her email, [email protected]; or ...
If you're inching closer to your wedding date, you'll want to be sure your invitations go out at the perfect time. Here's ...
People are allowed to invite whoever they want to their weddings and those invitees can either come or not come, but invitees ...
A woman is 'bummed' because one of her bridesmaids didn't invite her to her wedding when the time came. She was told it was a ...
My fiancé says we should simply not invite my sister and her family, and if she or anyone else asks why they were excluded, ...
Tradition mandates that the bride’s parents host the wedding. If they are hosting the affair alone, wedding etiquette ...