What drives your motivation? If you are driven by praise or the approval of others, you may feel disappointed when it doesn't come to you. Today, reach beyond your expectations by finding ...
Lots happening with the cards this week, buckle up!
When you’re out in the dark with only the moonlight to illuminate your path, it’s easy for your eyes to play tricks on you ...
Meaning: Encourage yourself this week about your long term plans and vision. The Ten of Coins sees you working so hard to get ...
March 14 brings a Full Moon total eclipse in Virgo, which is a powerful lunar event. Eclipses always super-amplify the moon ...
What do the cards have in store for Aries, and other zodiac signs for this week?
Is there more draining your cup than there is filling it? Your well-being matters, and your existence is not just to be productive, Virgo, but also to experience. This is a wonderful time to ...
You have the opportunity to show the world how talented you are. Drawing this card suggests you're about to attend a meeting ...